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Community Engagement News

Monday, May 17, 2010

News Release:Investor Campaign

May 17, 2010


LakewoodAlive Launches Investor Program

LakewoodAlive, Lakewood’s community development organization, is launching a new Investor Program to provide residents, property owners and businesses with an opportunity to make a strong impact on their community’s continued economic growth.

“Investing in LakewoodAlive provides community stakeholders with a direct way to contribute to programs and events that will help us thrive,” said Lakewood Mayor Ed FitzGerald. “From community-wide events to educational forums on economic development issues to maintaining our housing stock, and keeping our downtown business district clean, safe and vibrant, LakewoodAlive provides residents, property owners and businesses with ways to ensure Lakewood’s future.”

Programs and activities are aligned within three major initiatives: the Downtown Lakewood Main Street™ Program, Housing Outreach Services and Community Engagement Forums.

The Downtown Lakewood Main Street Program, through the dedication of hundreds of volunteers, coordinates events like Light Up Lakewood, Streetwalk and outdoor concerts, and coordinates beautification efforts such as the Downtown Lakewood Blossoms program.

Protecting Lakewood’s housing stock through education and outreach services is the focus of LakewoodAlive’s housing program. LakewoodAlive connects residents with programs and services to assist them with the exterior maintenance of their homes and collaborates with governmental and non-profit organizations to offer a wider array of services without duplication.

Providing residents with vital information about issues affecting the community’s economic vitality is a critical component of LakewoodAlive’s mission. Investing in LakewoodAlive provides resources to continue programs, ensuring that community stakeholders have access to essential information that affects the quality of life in Lakewood.

“By encouraging collaboration between residents, businesses, government, nonprofit and civic groups, LakewoodAlive plays a vital role in protecting Lakewood’s future,” said Patty Ryan, President & CEO of the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce.

Assuring Lakewood’s Future. Together. To invest in LakewoodAlive, please visit or call 216.521.0655.

LakewoodAlive is an economic development corporation whose mission is to improve the quality of life of residents by creating alliances with community leaders, leveraging community assets and expanding the pool of available resources in order to facilitate economic stability and growth in the City of Lakewood.


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